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 Why the egg?

After years in Cambridge, Cuong, Didi and I are on the go!


The plan is to work remotely for one year, travelling to France for 3 months, then Spain for 3, then decide where to spend the last 6 months.


We want to get more sun, and eat lots of nice local food. Hence the egg. Yeah because it looks sunny and that Oeufs sur le plat (Sunny side up) are actually a very French thing to eat. In ze family, we add crème fraîche, cèpe mushrooms and black pepper oeuf course.


France: on 3 November, we'll be going to:


  • Barbery next to Caen to visit my great bearded English teacher's family for a couple of days. He and his wife live in a huge tradditional French house, beams and all, with a cat (dynamics should be interesting with Didi). My father was a teacher so they were good friends...

  • La Rochelle for 3 weeks. There was a cool movie shot in the near and so pretty "Ile de Ré". IMDB says: "Can the differences between the two egocentric men be put aside for the sake of friendship and theatre?". Sounds stuck up but love it! Aside of this, when I was 17, I remember spending a family summer holiday on the island, I tried to walk back on my own to our camping in total darkness, tripped on a beach hedgehog, as you do (do they even exist?) while attempting to follow the shore, and broke my rubber shoe heel while worrying about serial killers wandering in the area. Made it safely in the end. 

  • Cognac for a week, question is: how will it compare to my favourite Sco'ish smokey Caol Ila Whisky?

  • Andarnos for a week next to Arcachon, oysters and dune gallore!

  • Hendaye for a month (Dec), it's next to the beach, 20mn from Biarritz in France and the same from San Sebastian in Spain. My granma lived in Biarritz, so loads of memories from there. Great beaches, powerful big scary waves that roll you wrecked to the shore, bodysurfing and salt+sand belly burns, lifeguards with fluo sunscreen on their noses, etc.


Then Spain:

  • Barcelona (January). Been there a couple of times, including for a yoga teacher training with Yogabody. Loved the funky art, vibe, weather, cafes, food, people, energy.

  • València (Feb) same same to Barcelona but different, smaller, more chill.

  • Dénia (Mar) close to València but less city like. We'll see how it goes..

  • Torremolinos (April) for who knows how long because Craig and Samuel live there and they are our besties!


Then we'll decide where to spend the last 6 months of our trip depending which place we loved most!


I'll see if I can keep up with some form of blog/update/vlog thingy, but only if I manage the eating and chillin' bits. So apologies in advance for not being tight, posting once in a blue moon, and spelling mistakes.


Yours truly most of the time, 



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